I am experiencing difficulty in uploading my photos for today. Meanwhile I am looking at a poster on the wall that spells out "The Essence of Success" and I thought I would post the photos later and respond to what has been written about success.
Successful is the person:
- who has lived well. (What is living well? Material comforts or being happy despite the lack of the means to buy things to live a comfortable existence? Or does it refer to how happy people are feeling about their lives? My answer varies according to the questions I ask).
- laughed often (I don't laugh enough) and loved much (for every one who loves me I am sure there are a few who are not very fond of me, heheh)
- who has gained the respect of children. (Those I give my time to, yes!)
- who leaves the world better than they found it. (Er, now is not the time to judge.)
- who never fails to look for the best in others (Most times, yes) and give the best of themselves (depends)
- who has never lacked appreciation for the Earth's Beauty...(I ace this one!)
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