A quiet morning, a little early for most people I suppose. The morning was cool and the plants and trees were alive and fresh having been given a good shower the day before.

I spied these clusters of small pale yellow flowers. I do not now what they are for I have never seen them before.

The walk was invigorating as usual and this bridge a delight to walk on as always.

Back at the entrance to the Hortpark, a butterfly fluttered a while before me and settled on a flower. It posed for a picture and was off before I could have a third helping of its beauty.

It was a good thing that I took along my Olympus camera. I think I have to give up my Canon IXUS as it is no more as trustworthy as before in producing sharp and well-exposed images. I might have worked it to near death over the last two years.

Someday someone should design a dress using this flower as the inspiration.

Going back to Kentridge park,
Golden Penda - Xanthostemon chrysanthus tree in full bloom.

The powderpuff-like flowers.
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