Sunday, August 29, 2010

Kleinhovia hospita - Guest Tree

These were flowers from two days ago. I found them by the sea along the boardwalk in Changi. In the past I have seen them but they were way above my head. This time, at eye level, there was no escaping my camera in their face. This tree looks to me like the Teak tree (Tectona grandis) but I am not sure.


Unknown said...

Hi Mabel,

Have been checking out your blog on trees. Checked out the Corymbia at HortPark on Sunday. Beautiful tree.

On the tree you saw at Changi Beach - it is not a Tectona grandis, but a Kleinhovia hospita.


Mableinsingapore said...

Thanks Kim. I just realised that I have an earlier post on this tree. Cheers!