Sunday, August 31, 2008

Evolution wonder

The Comex Show was swarming with people as usual. They went for the big value items - LCD panels, printers, computers, laptops. The big names were all there - Sony, Samsung, Singtel, Starhub, Nikon, Canon. Yes, Canon. I went for Canon and bought myself the upgraded sister of my trusty IXUS 800. Double the megapixels - 8 now vs the 4 megapixels of 2 years ago. Bigger and brighter LCD screen , faster start-up and focusing. Improved access to functions. The function dial has disappeared and the camera is now slimmer and prettier. I love it!

I also love the fact that at such mega IT exhibitions, the prices are cheaper and you get a lot of freebies too. I got the Canon freebie package that consisted of one 4 gig SDHC card, one 8gig SDHC card, one HDSC card reader, $30 worth of NTUC vouchers, one camera casing, a small camera bag and one small tripod for my purchase. I am mighty glad I did my homework the day before so that no time was wasted as I targeted the Canon products the minute I ploughed my way through the hordes of people spilling out from the escalators. I must say that I made off with an excellent bargain yesterday evening.

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