Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Looking at flowers through different lenses

I took many photos of flowers in the HortPark with the Canon 400D. I played around with half-manual settings. So far, I like the effects of using big apertures to get the subject to stand out against a blurred background. It is not easy to control degree of brightness to the desired level but I try through trial and error I managed reasonably well without using the camera flash.
"I cannot decide what to wear tonight." - Heliconia
"You've got our colour right except you made us look rather shallow." - Morning Glory.
"We are on a mission to search and destroy." - Unknown.
"You think I am a Keng Hua don't you?" - Cactus.
"Van Gogh observed me from birth to death so that I may live forever." - Sunflower.
"We are making our debut tonight." - Pagoda flowers.
"We are getting married in a minute." - Milkweed.
"See these lace wings? They give me my name." - Butterfly

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