Saturday, April 24, 2010

Flowers at the Singapore Botanic Gardens - Hibiscus

From the back I saw this white hibiscus and did not think that I would like to take a picture of it because white flowers are not appealing to me. As I passed it by, I decided to turn back to take another look at this flower and I stopped in my tracks because this was not a completely white flower. The red colour at the centre of the flower did not look natural for it looked like someone had painted it. I then had a good reason to stop a while and take pictures.

1 comment:

alicesg said...

Wow glad you took photo of the flower and share in here. I never see a white hibiscus before. Only saw red and yellow hibiscus. Love how the central of the hisbiscus that attract our attention. Looked like a pattern on a batik sarong.