Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Quiz for Alice

No flowers to post. One reason amongst others is that I do not have any new or interesting flowers to share here and I do not want to keep posting the same flowers all the time. Anyway, beggars cannot be choosers. But I have enough in my store of photos to choose something that is not new here but seen from a different viewpoint. So Alice, what do you think is the name of this flower?


alicesg said...

OMG, of all people you got to quiz me about the name of flower...lol. I guess it is one of the hibiscus species. Love the colour of the flowers.

Mableinsingapore said...

Heheh Alice, like you are the only one who talks to me so I don't have others who are as regular. Anyway, this flower is for you. Good try, does look like hibiscus from that angle. It has the name of a very vain bird...