Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Jatropha podagrica - Gout Stick

很久以前我的邻居送我一盆花。当时我觉得这种花是那么有趣就接受她的礼物。虽然植物的花不是很优美但是它的全面是充满决心要令人喜欢它。它有漂亮 的大叶子配合一束小小的橙色花加起长长的茎。太奇妙了。真可惜我没有专心照顾这盆花忙的工做没时间来好好珍惜它。花死了。我多年的好邻居也搬家。有些失去 的东西是值得怀念。

A long time ago, my neighbour gave me a pot of plant that I thought was very interesting and I accepted her gift. Although the flowers were not very attractive, the appearance of the plant seemed to portray a determination to be liked. It had beautiful leaves that were large complementing a cluster of small orange-coloured flowers supported by a long stalk. It was wonderful just as it was. It was a pity that I did not take good care of the plant because I was busy at work and had no time to treasure it. The plant died. My neighbour moved. What is lost is worth thinking about sometimes.

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